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Showing posts with label Guide User. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Guide User. Show all posts

25 May 2013

Tentang Pagerank dan SERP

Tentang Pagerank dan SERP

Beklingratis Cirebon

Apa itu Pagerank dan SERP?

Mungkin anda akan tertawa atas pertanyaan tersebut. Namun percaya atau tidak, masih ada orang yang belum mengetahui betapa pentingnya Pagerank dan serp. Untuk sobat yang sudah master ('guru') cukup lewati atau skip aja tulisan ini sebelum anda mati karena tertawa. Bagi yang belum tahu, tentu harus membaca informasi ini --apalagi jika sobat adalah seorang webmaster atau seorang blogger.

Apa Itu Page Rank?

Beklingratis Cirebon
Bicara Google, tidak terlepas dari yang namanya PageRank (PR). Pagerank adalah satuan cara untuk mengukur kualitas halaman website/blog. Walaupun peran PR tidak terlalu signifikan untuk hasil pencarian, tapi PR cukup diperhitungkan dalam bisnis online. Karena sebuah website/blog yang memiliki PR tinggi memiliki nilai jual yang tinggi pula.

Apa Itu SERP?

Beklingratis Cirebon
SERP, singkatan dari Search Engine Result Page. Merupakan halaman yang muncul sebagai hasil dari pencarian yang dilakukan pada mesin pencari (search engine). Dalam sekali pencarian, Google bisa menemukan puluhan hingga milyaran hasil pencarian yang terbagi-bagi menjadi beberapa halaman, setiap halamannya hanya memunculkan 10 website saja. Google mengurutkan hasil pencarian menggunakan rumus tertentu yang hingga saat ini belum dipublikasikan. Hanya saja, beberapa pebisnis online dan pengamat search engine telah melakukan serangkaian uji-coba dan mempublikasikan temuan-temuan mereka.

Jika website kita tampil di halaman pertama, besar kemungkinan para pencari informasi akan mengunjungi website kita. Ini tentu akan meningkatkan traffic web dan tinggal kreatifitas kita saja mengubah kunjungan ini menjadi peluang bisnis. Maka target kita adalah tampil di halaman pertama dan fokus kita adalah peringkat pertama.

20 December 2012

How to: Submit URL to Google, Bing, Yahoo! and Ask?

How to: Submit URL to Google, Bing, Yahoo! and Ask?

Beklingratis Cirebon
The first step to getting your site online and to get better rankings in Google is to submit your URL to search engines. An example of an URL is Eventually the search engines will find your site but this will help expedite the process.

Once you submit your URL, it could take several days, weeks, or months for the search engines to index your page(s). Results may vary so don’t write this in stone. Factors such as other websites pointing to your site can affect this time as well.

Submit your URL to Google

  1. Go to the following link:
  2. Type in your URL, example:
  3. Enter comments about your site, this is optional. Usually I enter the genre of the site and a few keywords.
    example: BekLinGratis Dari Cirebon: Turut Eksis, Narsis dan Masih Tetap Optimis, ID.
  4. Enter the captcha text shown in the box and select "Add URL"

Submit your URL to Bing

  1. Go to the following link:
  2. Enter the captcha text shown in the box
  3. Type in your URL, example:
  4. Select "Submit URL"

Submit your URL to Yahoo **Updated: November 2012**

  1. Go to the following link:
  2. Click on “Submit Your Site for Free”
  3. You will be redirected to Bing.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions for submitting your URL.

Submit your Sitemap to Ask **Updated: August 2012**

Ask does not have an URL submit feature. Until recently, you could submit your sitemap to them. But has now retired this feature and says they will be crawling sites instead. So, the next best thing is to add a directive in your robots.txt file that specifies auto-discovery of the XML sitemap.

Like this:
SITEMAP: URL of your sitemap here
The sitemap location should be the full sitemap URL.

That’s it! Once you complete the above steps, just sit back and be patient. It takes time for the search engines to index your pages. If you submit more than once, some search engines may consider this spamming which could result in not indexing your site at all.

Warn: Do Not Use an Automated Submission Program!

Using an automated submission program to submit to multiple search engines at once may be considered spam attempts and is frowned upon by search engines such as Google.

Also note that you do not have to add all of your URL addresses for your entire site. For example, you do not need to add and Simply enter the home page URL and let the engines do the rest.

06 April 2011

What Are Google Backlinks?

What Are Google Backlinks?

What Are Google Backlinks?

BekLinGratis (Asli) Dari Cirebon

Assalaamu'alaikum Warohmatullaahi Wabarokaatuh

Well, there are no such thing as Google backlinks but there are rather "backlinks." Quite simply, backlinks are the absolute key to ranking high in Google.

Backlinks are links to a site from other websites on the internet. The backlink must contain the link text of the keyword that you want to rank for! For example, if you want to rank for "Free Automatic google backlinks Exchanges" you will need links to your site whose link text contains "Free Automatic google backlinks Exchanges."

By "link text", I am referring the the underlined blue text in the link. So, in this example, you would want the link to your site to be Free Automatic google backlinks Exchanges. Backlinks are considered "ranking points" by Google. The more link text backlinks that you have, the more points that your site has for that keyword phrase.

Notes: Over time, you will likely rank higher than competitors with more backlinks than you but whose backlinks do not contain the link text that you are aiming to rank for. You can definitely beat out even huge high page rank sites if you have more specific link text backlinks for a certain keyword.

Most times, sites rank for keywords just because they have the keywords on their webpage a few times or in their website title; often, these webpages that are ranking in the the top 10 Google results have ZERO backlinks!

A good rule of thumb is that a keyword phrase can be competed for easily if the top 10 pages in Google for that keyword have less than 250 backlinks each.

Wassalaamu'alaikum Warohmatullaahi Wabarokaatuh

06 September 2010

Guide User

BekLinGratis (Asli) Dari Cirebon

Tukar Banner/Barter Link

Tukar Banner/Barter Link

Assalaamu'alaikum Warohmatullaahi Wabarokaatuh

Hallo Teman Blogger!
Untuk pertama kalinya, kami menawarkan Tukar Banner/Barter Link dengan kalian semua.

Tukar Banner/Barter Link adalah sebuah layanan program/proyek pertukaran BekLinGratis (Asli) Dari Cirebon. Backlink otomatis ini merupakan layanan gratis untuk anda pemilik website maupun blog guna meningkatkan traffic melalui backlink instan.

Karena kalian 'para blogger' tahu, betapa pentingnya SEO untuk meningkatkan lalu lintas (traffics) website/blog, pagerank, dan peringkat alexa (check info).

Lalu, bagaimana program Auto BekLink dari BekLinGratis (Asli) Dari Cirebon ini bekerja?

Silahkan petunjuk/aturan berikut:
  1. Salin (copy) code/syntax HTML dibawah ini apa adanya dan tidak perlu diubah kemudian tempel (paste) dan di sidebar, footer atau pada postingan blog anda.
  2. Simpan lalu buka halaman website/blog anda yang berisi kode tersebut.
  3. Untuk memulainya, klik gambar banner yang ditampilkan dari website/blog anda
  4. Setelah anda diarahkan pada halaman ini, maka secara otomatis link website/blog anda akan tampil di sidebar blog ini
Anda bisa membangun BekLinGratis sebanyak yang anda mau, TANPA BATAS!
Link Banner Size 80x15
Salin Kode HTML-nya dan paste ke website/blog anda.
Sample Banner Result » BekLinGratis (Asli) Dari Cirebon

Wassalaamu'alaikum Warohmatullaahi Wabarokaatuh

11 August 2010

1st Time Information

First Time Information

First Time Information

BekLinGratis (Asli) Dari Cirebon

Assalaamu'alaikum Warohmatullaahi Wabarokaatuh

This blog may have not been perfect, but we will keep trying to fix it so much better.
Once again, we sincerely apologize any this inconvenience.

We sorry before, for this first time information can not be posted because we was still in the stage of preparation of the manuscript.
Mohon maaf sebelumnya, informasi ini belum bisa kami posting dikarenakan masih dalam tahap penyusunan naskah.

You can place your banner or plug your URL and get backlink from our blog by accessing our page plug URL and look the result on Referrer List page.

Also, you can get quality backlink from our partner page, VIT Direct Official. Try it by accessing here

Wassalaamu'alaikum Warohmatullaahi Wabarokaatuh

Nusa Research
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