Link building is an essential part of search engine optimisation. Link building is the process of getting ethical high quality inbound (one way) links to a website.
Link building is a structured approach of building ethical high quality one way inbound links that will encourage search engines to improve the ranking of your website. On a basic level a one way link is seen as a vote of confidence and raises your websites link popularity. The more and higher quality one way links you have linking to a website, the higher that website will rank in search engine result pages (SERPs).
Link building will increase your link popularity and is one of the most important and critical aspects of any effective search engine optimisation (SEO) campaign. Therefore, a well conducted link building campaign is one of the most effective online marketing strategies a business can carry out. An effective link building campaing is designed to utilize the benefits of gaining one way links to drive targeted traffic to a website and improve your link popualrity and ranking across all the major search engines. An SEO link building campaign should focus on obtaining one way relevant links to your website from high value website sources.
Every one way link you get in your SEO link building campaign should be gained through a totally manual ethical link building process. A link building campaign should not use any link farms or employ huge link exchange programs. These unethical SEO link building mehtods can cause your website to be penalized by the search engines.
A link building campaign should only target the best one way links for your website. Links should be of a high quality, highly ranked and be related to your website and industry.
An effective ongoing ethical link building campaign will achieve:
Higher search engine positions
Increased PageRank and link popularity
Increased targeted traffic to your website
Increase visibility across the Internet aiding brand awareness
Gain added value to your website - Links are seen as valuable assets